Friday, June 27, 2008

Intro to Freelance Baking, Cupcookies, and the Blog

What are Cupcookies and why are they so delicious? 

These are the two questions that I want to answer for all the dessert lovin', sugar eatin', sweet teeth out there. 

First, check them out at and then you'll see that:

Cupcookies are simply a cookie topped with frosting. They look like mini-cupcakes, but are so much better! The dense, moist cookie contrasts with the smooth, fluffy frosting to create a bite so wonderful you won't know what hit your taste buds!

My name is Megan and I run a small baking business in San Francisco called Freelance Baking. I am also the assistant pastry chef at Zuni Cafe where I make lots of fruit tarts and gateau victoire! I love the excitement and fulfillment of being part of the food world. 

With this blog I hope to take you along as I explore new recipes, ideas, and inspirations in all things pastry. Some posts will involve cupcookies and some won't. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and trying my recipes, and I hope to hear some feedback.

Check out to see all of the cupcookie flavors. There you can place an order for cupcookies or other desserts.

And is SWEET!!!!